An affluent
Pear falls hard for
a street-tart Blueberry
forming an unlikely taste
combination. Passing up
this all-natural seltzer?
Big mistake. Huge.
Try some! Cantaloupe
tastes like cantaloupe!
It's the most amazing,
fabulous, sensational can of
seltzer in the whole world,
and the golden ingredient
is all-natural, juicy melon.
In the Saga of Seltzers,
fortune flavors the bold.
All-natural Guava and fierce
Dragonfruit unite in an epic
clash against the Army of
White Cans to claim the
Aluminum Throne.
On this season of
All-Natural Spiked
Seltzers, we welcome
two new fruits to the mix:
Kiwi and Honeydew.
This meet-cute is sure
to end in "I dew!"